Saturday, December 5, 2015

VCO for Healthier Brain

The human brain just like any other part of the body needs continuous nourishment to function well. The brain cells need special care because its number diminishes as one ages. When the brain cells starts to die, one may experience the following symptoms: headache, fatigue and brain fog. In the long run, the death of brain cells causes neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons. The good news is that a new study says that coconut oil can help maintain an active mind and a sharp memory. According to the new study, coconut oil can supply the brain with the energy it needs thus preventing neurodegenerative conditions.

In many diseases that are associated with the loss of brain cells such as Alzheimer’s disease, the neurons in some areas of the brain start to resist insulin. Insulin is important in brain functioning because it is the hormone that transports glucose to the brain cells. Glucose is used by the brain for energy.  When neurons start to reject insulin, brain cells starts to die.

Another factor that contributes to massive brain death is high blood sugar because it causes protein molecules to produce advanced glycolytic enzymes (AGEs). The said enzymes increases oxidative stress levels in the body and damages neuronal tissue.

How Can Coconut Oil Prevents Neurodegenerative Diseases

Coconut oil is beneficial to the brain because it is the best source of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) aside from breast milk. Unlike the long chain triglycerides which depends on bile salts from the gallbladder before it can be processed in the digestive system, the MCT’s do not need bile salts anymore. The MCT’s go straight to the liver where it is converted into ketones. The ketones are then released by the liver to the bloodstream and immediately transported to the brain.

The study shows that the ketones generated by MCTs supply a steady source of energy for the brain when one experiences low blood sugar without the neurological risks linked with high blood sugar.

For this reason, ketones can provide essential brain food to people afflicted with diabetes or other neurodegenerative condition such as Parkinsons, Alzheimer's, and Multiple Sclerosis.

One of experts in this MCT research is Dr. Mary Newport. Her studies show that ketones help the brain cope from lack of oxygen which causes death of brain cells. People who suffer from heart attack can recover faster with the help of ketones and can effectively minimize cancerous tumors.

To benefit from all the benefits of coconut oil, a normal-sized adult should maintain a coconut-rich diet. One is advised to consume 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil a day.

One can take coconut oil as it is or it can be added to food and drinks. Coconut oil can also be applied on skin or one can eat coconut meat or flakes. One can also drink coconut water and coconut milk. People suffering from neurological diseases and diabetes are advised to take 8-10 tablespoons of coconut oil daily.

VCO as Home Remedy for Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye

Are you suffering from red, itchy and watery eyes? You may be suffering from conjunctivitis or what is commonly known as pink or sore eyes. Though a pink or sore eyes is generally easy to treat, it can cause quite a discomfort because it is contagious and a sufferer usually has to take a leave from work, school or other important matters to avoid passing the disease to others.

Pink or sore eyes is caused by a virus, bacteria or fungus. Aside from itching and redness, others symptoms would include swollen eyelids and a thick whitish discharge. The treatment for pink eyes would depend on its severity. Severe cases may require medication while mild cases can easily be treated with home remedies. One safe and effective home remedy for pink eye is virgin coconut oil.

How Can Coconut Oil Treat Pink Eye

Virgin coconut oil can prevent or fight the infection that causes pink eye because it is full of essential nutrients that can strengthen the immune system.

Using coconut oil as a cure for sore eyes is very simple. Just moisten a cotton ball or soft cloth with VCO and then press it on the closed eyelids. Afterwards a warm or cold compress can be applied on affected eye.

The warm compress is recommended for itchy eyes while a cold compress would reduce the inflammation of swelling eyes. One can use cold and warm compress alternately. The procedure can be done two to three times a day for several days until the pink eye is cured. One can also take virgin coconut oil orally by taking 3 to 4 tbsps. each day. Regular intake of coconut oil would not only prevent and cure the pink eye; it would also improve one’s overall health, thereby preventing other diseases.

Before trying this remedy, one is advised to first consult an eye doctor so they can correctly assessed if the eye disease can be cured by simple home remedy or further medication would be needed.

VCO: Natural Antihistamine

 Sneezing, headaches, breathing difficulty, skin rashes – these are just some of the inconveniences that a person with allergic reaction to a certain food, medicine or any other substance may experience.

An allergic reaction happens when the immune system becomes hypersensitive to a certain element. The substance that triggers an allergic reaction is called allergens.  It is the body’s way of reacting to a certain element that was misjudged as harmful.

Even though most allergies are not fatal and can easily be cured by taking antihistamine drugs or simply avoiding the food, substance etc, having an allergy is a hazard because it limits one actions and choices.

VCO= Strong Immune System = No Allergy

The result of antihistamine drugs may be instant, but it can only promise temporary relief. It may also have some side effects. The best way to completely avoid allergy is to maintain a healthy body and a strong immune system.

This is where virgin coconut comes in. If you have allergy and wants to get rid of it naturally, then then taking virgin coconut oil (VCO) is one of the best option for you.

The regular intake of VCO will effectively boost the body’s immune system making you less susceptible to diseases and certain allergens.

However, unlike other over the counter medicines, VCO as an antihistamine is not an instant cure. One needs to take the proper dosage of virgin coconut oil regularly for a period o time before one will experience the results.

It would also be best to include coconut oil and other coconut products in one’s daily diet. This is because the long term effect of taking VCO is a strong immune system, healthy body and no allergies.

Virgin Coconut Oil "The Wonder Drug in the Form of Oil"

Alexander Fleming’s discovery of the wonder drug “penicillin” is a medical breakthrough that changed the way people look at diseases and revolutionize modern medicine. Little did we realize that the real wonder drug is being used and available since the beginning of time…the virgin coconut oil!

Coconut oil is considered as a functional food, because aside from providing nourishment for the body, it is also used to treat a variety of ailments. Unlike most drugs, virgin coconut oil is not toxic and doesn’t have side effects.

The Natural Antibiotic

The term nutraceutical is often use to describe the amazing medicinal properties of virgin coconut oil.  It means that virgin coconut oil can serve as food and at the same time heal and prevent numerous health problems.

The medium chain fatty acids and monoglycerides component of virgin coconut oil is almost identical to the type present in human breast milk. Human breast milk provides an antibiotic for young infants to ward off germs and infections. Virgin coconut oil exhibits the same characteristic.

Because of the great number of diseases that can be treated using virgin coconut oil, it will not be a surprise if it becomes the medicine of future generation. There may come a time when virgin coconut oil will be the sole medicine every human being will need.

Virgin coconut oil has antimicrobial properties. Unlike normal antibiotics that are available in drugstores, virgin coconut oil can serve as the body’s defense against almost all kinds of harmful organisms. Different types of antibiotics are usually designed to kill only a specific bacterium. The lauric acid component of virgin coconut oil can fight against disease-causing germs, viruses, and bacteria.

Virgin coconut oil can also treat diseases that are usually considered incurable. Regular consumption of coconut oil greatly improves the immune system so it can be the miracle cure for cancer and AIDS patients.

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Virgin Coconut Oil "Superior Weapon Against Deadly Cancer"

There are some things in this world that we all dread to hear. Something no one hopes to experience. And a physician confirming that you are afflicted with fatal cancer is definitely one of it! But thanks to virgin coconut oil, there is after all a way out of this seemingly hopeless situation.

It is a sad truth that so many people are afflicted with this fatal disease. Cancer ranks second in the leading cause of death statistics of the United States. It is said that approximately one million people acquire cancer each year.

There are various types of cancer but one characteristic that all cancer diseases share is the rapid growth of abnormal cells in the body. Normal cells follow a regular cycle of growth, division and death. In the early stage of life, there is rapid cellular activity. But cells of a healthy adult person only divide to replace dying cells and to heal damage caused by injuries.

Cancer cells keep on growing and dividing and create abnormal cells. Cancer cells may spread and cause problems to other parts of the body.  This is triggered by a damage to DNA. Unlike normal cells, cancer cells cannot repair damaged DNA. Damaged DNA can be acquired through hereditary means or environmental exposure. Most cancers (but not all) are manifested by a tumor.

The chance of a cancer patient to survive depends largely on how soon the disease was diagnosed and given necessary treatments. Radical change in one’s diet and lifestyle is also prescribed.

The Miracle Cure

Virgin coconut oil can be used as a weapon to fight cancer and save precious lives. This statement is proven not only by numerous testimonies of cancer survivors but with the results of medical studies.

Regular consumption of virgin coconut oil will strengthen the immune system. Only a strong immune system can defeat the formation of cancer cells before they can create major damage. Developing a strong immune system is the first step in prevention and treatment of cancer and other diseases.

Virgin coconut oil can also cure skin cancer as proven in a study where coconut oil is applied on the skin of mice which were applied with cancer causing chemicals. Several applications of virgin coconut oil stopped tumor development. Therefore, virgin coconut oil can alter the composition of tumor tissue and thus inhibit tumor growth.

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Virgin Coconut Oil "Heart-Friendly Fat"

Heart ailment is a killer disease. Statistics prove that it remains to be the leading cause of death worldwide taking 7.2 million lives per year. It’s a sickness that spares no one. Young, old, fat, or thin, anybody can suffer a heart attack.  But proper diet and a healthy lifestyle can save your heart. Virgin coconut oil can greatly help.

Obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, high blood pressure, these are just some of the factors that increases the risk of developing heart disease. Stress, old age, diabetes, and heredity are also contributing factors.

Heart attack comes without warning but you do not acquire the disease overnight. It’s an effect of an abusive way of life; most often a combination of vices and too much fatty food.

Be kind to Your Heart

A total shift from a diseased-causing lifestyle to a healthy one is required to avoid heart disease. Appreciate the pleasure of living the simple life. Eliminate all vices and decrease the amount of cholesterol in your diet. Don’t make your arteries a storage space for fat.

Why Virgin Coconut Oil?

Contrary to previous belief that coconut oil consumption (because of its high saturated fat content) causes heart disease, recent findings show that it is good for the heart. Natives in coconut-growing regions regularly eat coconut and yet they don’t develop heart disease. The saturated fat in coconut oil is unique because unlike other saturated fats it does not raise blood cholesterol level. Coconut oil is actually free of cholesterol.

Because it speeds up metabolism, virgin coconut oil can even lower the amount of LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase the HDL (good) cholesterol in the body. It is not only the oil that is good for the heart, but the whole fruit and the juice of coconut. Coconut meat, juice and oil are all low in carbohydrates and cannot cause damage to the heart.

Coconut oil also contains very little linoleic acid. These are fatty acids that are beneficial to the body if taken in moderate amount. Too much linoleic acid in the diet though, can trigger heart attacks and strokes.

Coconut oil is also free of trans fat which are very harmful and bad for the heart.

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Virgin Coconut Oil "Good for your Liver and Kidney"

Healthy liver and kidney is vital to ensure the proper functioning of one’s body. Taking virgin coconut oil can keep these two organs of the excretory system in the pink of health.

You will never run out of reasons why it is important to take care of one’s liver and kidney. Everything that your body consumes passes to these two organs. Your liver and kidney work so hard to keep you up and about. Over consumption of alcohol, drugs, fatty foods, etc can put a strain to these two organs. The result of such abuse can be fatal.

Functions of Liver

Metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates takes place in the liver. It is responsible for activating enzymes, producing bile and excretion of cholesterol, hormones, and drugs. It also stores glycogen, vitamins, and minerals

Functions of Kidneys

The kidneys continually filter your blood and removes waste materials in the form of urine.


Virgin coconut oil will not only prevent developing a liver and kidney disorder, it can also heal and restore its good condition.

The Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCFA’s) of VCO improve the function of the liver and kidney because of its detoxifying effect. Virgin coconut oil gives the two organs a break as it helps in eliminating buildup of unwanted elements in the body.

As much as possible, proper diet and healthy lifestyle should be a habit so as to spare yourself the hassle of painful and costly medications like organ transplant. Those already suffering from liver and kidney dysfunction should regularly consult a physician, take proper medication, and eat nutritious foods and supplements like VCO.