Saturday, December 5, 2015

VCO”Cure for Hypothyroidism”

Experts say that almost 40% of the world’s population is suffering from some form of thyroid disorder. Virgin Coconut Oil is a natural and effective therapy.

The function of thyroid hormone is to keep the body’s metabolism at a normal rate. When the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormone, hypothyroidism develops. Hypothyroidism is not favorable because it means that all body mechanisms and processes are down. Depending on the severity of the condition, people inflicted with hypothyroidism may experience one or more of the following symptoms: chronic fatigue syndrome, weakness, obesity or difficulty in losing weight, rough skin, dry and falling hair, sensitivity to cold, muscle cramps, constipation, irritability, and memory loss. One may develop hypothyroidism because of genetics, illness, and improper diet or lifestyle.
Regular intake of virgin coconut oil supports thyroid function because it increases metabolism and energy.


To improve thyroid function, take 3 tablespoons of VCO and 1 to 3 capsules of cayenne pepper a day after each meal.  You should also minimize use of processed vegetable oils, raw cabbage, and soybean-made foods.

One should also aim at a moderate and well-balanced diet. Limit intake of fatty foods and eat more fruits and vegetables. Allot a time for daily exercise and avoid harmful vices like alcohol and cigarettes.

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